Quick Start Guide

MESSAGE M E M B E R S E C R E TA R Y, I N TA C H 6 2015-16 was a year of consolidation for INTACH. Both the Chapters and the Head- quarters geared themselves to functioning at a more intensive level. The Chapters being the local representatives of INTACH took up the challenge and up-scaled their activities in the field of natural, built and living heritage conservation and conducted numerous educational workshops in partnership with the Headquarters to create awareness and spread the message of INTACH. As on March 2016 there were 185 State/ local Chapters spread across the country with a total membership of over 8400. The endeavour to enrol members of repute, with interest in INTACH’s mission and activities will continue in the coming years. The Conveners & Co-Conveners’ names and contact details are regularly updated on the INTACH website and 184 Chapters have functional e-mails. An updated Conveners’ directory incorporating all amendments was disseminated. A total of 131 Chapters have submitted the annual audited accounts while 72 Chapters have submitted their annual activity reports. During the year approximately 630 new members were added across all categories. The following 7 new Chapters were established during the year: Guntur-Andhra Pradesh, Bhagalpur-Bihar, Vaishali- Bihar, Palwal-Haryana, Jaipur-Odisha, Sonepur-Odisha, Dhar-Madhya Pradesh. To articulate a more forward looking and inclusive vision of INTACH a meeting of all the State Conveners, was organized on the Foundation Day on 27 th -28 th January at INTACH Central Office. An orientation meeting for the new conveners was held at the Central Office in March 2016. Some experienced Conveners attended the conference to share their experiences with the newly appointed Conveners. During the year, one Capacity Building Workshop for members of INTACH Chapters was held in October 2015. Members from 12 INTACH Chapters participated in the workshop. Inter-Chapter interaction and collaboration provides synergy and facilitates capacity building. It is heartening to report that inter-state Chapters interaction took place among INTACH Chennai, Hyderabad, Visakhaptnam, East Godavari, Machilipatnam and Calicut Chapters resulting in INTACH’s acclaimed ‘Splendours of Indian Architecture Exhibition’ travelling to these Chapters and drawing extensive public interest. Efforts were made throughout the year to forge closer relationships with the Chapters by way of visits, meetings and personal communications. The Chairman visited Odisha, Patna, Shillong, Kodaikanal, Chennai, Lucknow, Bangalore, Pune, Coimbatore, Varanasi chapters and held meetings and wider consultations with members and Conveners and Co-Conveners of these chapters. Director Chapters visited Patna, Dhar, Punjab, Pune, Varanasi, Mandla, Gwalior, Bhagalpur, Guwahati, Shillong and Coimbatore. Principal Directors and others officials of Central Office visited almost 90-95 Chapters in connection with various meetings, seminars and ongoing projects. Many Chapters networked with schools, colleges, universities and like-minded institutions. As a result of these interactions more than three lakhs students, youth and the general population were directly impacted and sensitised about heritage and associated issues. TACH